What is CBLP?

Citizens for a Better Livingston Parish was created to give a voice to the citizens of our community who wish to make our home a better place to live. This is not a political organization but we do support first responders and our community leaders who share our common purpose to improve our standard of living for our families, and each other.

What Will We Discuss?
Several issues in our Parish requires thoughtful discussion and community input such as:

  • Education and Schools
  • Traffic and infrastructure
  • Environment and safety
  • Business development and quality jobs
  • Community Outreach

What Does it Mean to Make Our Community Better?

This is a difficult question to answer because “better” to one person, may mean something different for someone else. However, CBLP defines most issues in the context of “the greater public good”. This can sometimes appear to oppose individual rights of a citizen. As a philosophical matter, our organization believes greatly in individual rights and freedom as long as it does not harm someone else. This is a debate that has no right or wrong answer, just grey area that us as citizens, must negotiate through.
For example, what if there is a major traffic area (plenty in our Parish) on a two lane road that cuts through someone’s property and the only solution is to make the road bigger? Should our Parish negotiate with the land owner to acquire the land? This is referred to as eminent domain and power of the government to take private property and convert it into public use.
It is very hard question to answer and we acknowledge that. CBLP will look through the lens of “what is best for the community”. If you are interested in the contrarian point of view, there are other organizations and social groups you can join to discuss those.

“Speak up, be heard. If you don’t say a word, everything will stay the same way.”

A Call to Action.

What happens when caring citizens finally decide to get involved in a focused and thoughtful way?…power to change our community. There is a silent majority out there who care deeply about issues in our Parish. The few that do speak up on social media are quickly ridiculed and cast as “Karens” or overreacting. Up until now the name calling and unintelligent responses to genuine concerns has been effective. It has keep people silent and afraid to speak up.
When someone voices a concern about gunshots next to a subdivision, illegally burning trash, vehicle inspectors passing non compliant cars, concern for teachers and students, traffic problems, and lack of infrastructure, we are told to calm down and stop complaining. We believe these folks are a smaller part of our community who has bullied the rest into accepting the status quo.
Together we will consolidate and strengthen our voices to make our community stronger and safer.

How Can I Get Involved?
Join our Facebook page to sound off on the latest topics and discussions:
We are also looking for contributors to our site who wish to write articles. Please contact us at: better4lp@gmail.com

We will offer memberships and Board of Directors seats in the near future. Our plan is to have a leader from each industry to represent and provide a voice at our meetings:
Education – Someone in the LP Parish School System
Law Enforcement – Judge, DA, Sheriff Deputy
Community – Religious Leader, HOA Staff
Environment – DEQ, Scientist, Activist
Infrastructure – DOT or Parish
Business – Business leader, Chamber member